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Allens Croft Primary School and Resource Base

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 Staff


PE is every Thursday for  3W and 3C. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on this day. 

PE Kit should contain: 

- white t shirt 

-black/navy  shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings

-black pumps and/or trainers 


Reading Books

Books will be changed when your child has finished reading their book. Please ensure your child has their books in school everyday. If you would like your child to change their book more often,  please let us know.  You can leave a comment about your child's reading in their reading diary. 



Spellings will be sent home every Monday. The children will have the whole working week to learn these spellings. We have a spelling test on Friday to test them on the spellings we sent home that week.