Calculations Policy
These documents below are copies of the school calculations policies. These policies are used by staff to teach children clear, effective methods for solving problems using the four main operations; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Children build upon a concrete learning platform during their time in the EYFS and KS1, moving towards a pictorial and then abstract approach. Children will use this 'CPA' to effectively retain calculation methods throughout their time at Allens Croft. Research suggests that children who have exposure to linking CPA throughout their learning of Numeracy hold a deeper understanding of how numbers work, and how the number system fits together. This ethos is held and developed by all staff so that children have a consistent approach throughout their time at Allens Croft.
The stages listed in the calculation policy do not necessarily relate to year groups, and staff use and build upon a starting point relevant to their particular cohorts.
Should you require any further information regarding the calculation policies, please see Mr Wallace.