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Year 6's Learning Blog

What are Year 6 up to?

2024 - 2025




Our topic for the half term is ‘Where does our energy come from?’ We will explore different renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the impact of these on our climate. We will also be developing our fieldwork and map skills.


In Literacy, we are looking at Twisted Fairy Tales. We will be rewriting an ending to a short film based on a fairy tale by the Brothers' Grimm, and also looking at presenting a balanced argument about a popular fairy tale villain - the Big Bad Wolf.


In Maths, we will be looking at Algebra, and reconcolidating our knowlege of Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.


Our Science unit for the term will be Light and Reflection. We will have the opportunity to investigate how light travels, reflects off different surfaces and make our own periscope.





Our topic for the half term was ‘What can the census tell us about our local area?’. This allowed us to explore the history of the census and what it can tell us about life in the past. including jobs, education and social change.


In Literacy, we had a focus on digital literacy and studied the motion picture 'Hidden Figures'. We learnt about the history of NASA and how social change was pioneered by the African-American human computers Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson. We wrote a op-ed about why it is important to learn about figures like these.


In Maths, we have been learning about fractions and the four operations. We also covered imperial and metric units of measure, and ratio and proportion.


Our Science unit was Health and Exercise. We learnt about the circulatory system and the effect of exercise and fitness on heart rate. We conducted an investigation and drew up our results.




Our topic for the half term was ‘Why does population change?’. This allowed us to delve into the different social and environmental factors that can affect population growth and decline in many different countries. We concluded our learning with a fieldwork study in our local area. 


In Literacy, we looked at a short film entitled, ‘Little Freak’. This clip allowed us to consider how identity matters. We explored figurative and emotive language when writing about the feelings of the characters. 


In Maths, we started the year with a focus on place value and deepened our understanding of this. We moved onto revising written methods for addition and subtraction. 


Our Science unit this half term was Classifiying Living Things. We learned about Carl Linneaus and used the system he developed to classify animals, plants, and microbes.





We will be completing our SATs this half term. We will continue to revise before our first paper on the 13th May! We will also be visiting Drayton Manor. 


In Maths, will be looking at Angles and degrees in triangles, 2D and 3D shapes, Time, Length, Money and Capacity. 


In English, we will be looking at Twisted Fairy tales. 




We will be focusing on SATs revision this half term. 


In Topic, we will continue to look at Population. 


In Maths we will looking at decimals, fractions, percentages and revision on past work, such as perimeter and area. 


In English, we will start by looking at the HS2 and persuasive writing. We will look at the key features of persuasive texts and write our for or against arguments for building the HS2.  We will also continue with revision. 




In history we are focusing on WW2 and investigating the question:  What was the impact of WW2 on British people? The children are very excited to learn about this following their learning about WW1 in year 5. 


In English we are focusing on WW2 narratives and poems using a range of skills from the year 6  English curriculum.  


In maths we are focusing on a range of areas such as ratio, algebra and problem solving. We are also revising our basic skills every morning. 


Weekly, we also learn French, art and design, PSHE, RE computing and science.




Maths - This half term we have been focusing on fractions. 


English - This half term we have been focusing on the fantastic story "Hidden

Figures" which addresses racism, segregation and sexism. This has allowed us to write emotive, persuasive letters and newspaper report. 


Topic - This half term we have been focusing on Ancient Greece and looking at how they lived during these times. 


We will be continuing with our unit named “Chez Moi” which means “My home”. We have learnt different types of areas that we might live in and some rooms around the house. We are focusing this term on creating sentences with the language that we’ve learnt. Ask your child about their home in French!




Our topic for the half term was ‘The Americas’. This allowed us to delve into the complex geography of the many varied countries that make up North and South America. We looked at physical and human features of different American countries and compared these with Birmingham. 


In Literacy, we looked at a short film entitled, ‘Little Freak’. This clip allowed us to consider how identity matters. We explored figurative and emotive language when writing about the feelings of the characters. 


In Maths, we started the year with a focus on place value and deepened our understanding of this. We moved onto revising written methods for addition and subtraction. 


Our MFL unit this half term is called “Chez Moi” which means “My home”. In this unit, we will be learning how to describe different types of homes and different locations such as towns, villages and by the seaside. We’ll also learn how to name different rooms in a home.





In Summer 2, we will be completing our unit on clothes. We will be thinking carefully about how to create complete sentences. After this, we will be looking at how to say day. Ask your child to tell you the date in French!


We are also getting ready for our end of year production this term! We will be practising lots! 





We will be completing our SATs this half term. We will continue to revise before our first paper on the 9th May! We will also be visiting Drayton Manor. 


In Maths, will be looking at Angles and degrees in triangles, 2D and 3D shapes, Time, Length, Money and Capacity. 


In English, we will be looking at Alice in Wonderland. 


In Summer 1, we are looking at naming different clothes. We will be focusing on spellings and correct pronunciation. We will be learning the names of different items of clothing and put these into complete sentences. Ask your child to name some articles of clothing in French!





We will be focusing on SATs revision this half term. 


In Topic, we will continue to look at WW2 and rationing. 


In Maths we will looking at decimals, fractions, percentages and revision on past work, such as perimeter and area. 


In English, we will start by looking at the HS2 and persuasive writing. We will look at the key features of persuasive texts and write our for or against arguments for building the HS2.  We will also continue with revision. 


In Spring 2, we will be continuing our French topic named “Au Café”. We will be finishing the menus we have started with all the different foods we’ve learnt on offer. We will then begin our new topic “Les Vetements” which is all about naming items of clothing. Ask your child to name different clothes in French!





In English, we will be looking at two stories, 'Goodnight Mister Tom' and 'The boy in the striped pyjamas'. We will be writing as if we are Willie and our experience of meeting Mister Tom for the first time, describing the setting and our feelings. We will then imagine we are Bruno and write a letter to his grandparents, using emotive language. 


In Maths, we will be focusing on fractions, ratio, scaling and algebra. 


For our Topic this half term, we will be looking at World War II and the timeline for the war, how evacuees felt and create a performance with HEN. We will also be working hard on our X Factor song, we have chosen to sing a song from the musical Matilda. 


In 2023, we will be starting our new topic named “Au Café”. As part of this unit, we will be learning the names of some common breakfast food that we might order in a café. We will also be learning the names of some snack foods. We will be concentrating on spellings for our words. Ask your child to name a breakfast food in French!





Maths - This half term we have been focusing on fractions. 


English - This half term we have been focusing on the fantastic story "Hidden

Figures" which addresses racism, segregation and sexism. This has allowed us to write emotive, persuasive letters and newspaper report. 


Topic - This half term we have been focusing on Ancient Greece and looking at how they lived during these times. 


We will be continuing with our unit named “Chez Moi” which means “My home”. We have learnt different types of areas that we might live in and some rooms around the house. We are focusing this term on creating sentences with the language that we’ve learnt. Ask your child about their home in French!





Our topic for the half term was ‘The Americas’. This allowed us to delve into the complex geography of the many varied countries that make up North and South America. We looked at physical and human features of different American countries and compared these with Birmingham. 


In Literacy, we looked at a short film entitled, ‘Little Freak’. This clip allowed us to consider how identity matters. We explored figurative and emotive language when writing about the feelings of the characters. 


In Maths, we started the year with a focus on place value and deepened our understanding of this. We moved onto revising written methods for addition and subtraction. 


Our MFL unit this half term is called “Chez Moi” which means “My home”. In this unit, we will be learning how to describe different types of homes and different locations such as towns, villages and by the seaside. We’ll also learn how to name different rooms in a home.




Children have gone into full performance mode and are working hard to prepare their end of year performance - Prexit. We're sure many children are coming home and excitedly talking about all of the wonderful things they've been doing. We can't wait for you all to see the performances where all of their hard work is sure to pay off. 



 Year 6 worked hard to prepare for their SATs. We were constantly impressed with their attitude and resilience. It made us realise how lucky we are to teach such a hard-working group of students - what a credit they were. Somehow, we still managed to find the time to become class parents of newly hatched chicks and ducks! Having the opportunity to watch these incredible creatures hatch was a unique and wonderful experience. We ended the half term with our much-anticipated trip to Drayton Manor - it was a very welcome reward. 




In Literacy we have been studying two novels: Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. Both novels look at the harsh realities of war through the eyes of a child and have inspired thoughtful and engaging writing opportunities including: setting descriptions, newspaper articles, diary entries and emotion-driven narratives. In maths, we have continued to revise the curriculum with a particular focus on worded problems. Our World War Two Topic has allowed us to focus on History and consider how and why the War began and ended as it did. 



Our topic this half term is Mexico. 


In English, we have been using the film Coco as a writing stimulus. This has allowed us to produce setting descriptions and a discussion text. 


In Maths, our focus has been on decimals, fractions and percentages. We’re applying our knowledge to reasoning problems too. 


Geography lessons have seen us studying Mexico in all of its glory and looking the physical and human features it possesses.


Children have also had the chance to enjoy learning around the classification of living things in Science.



English -  Our main writing focus this half term will be based on the book and film ‘Hidden Figures’. This inspirational story will teach children about adversity and determination. They will have the chance to write a persuasive letter and a newspaper article opinion piece. 


Maths - We will be working with fractions this half term. They will learn how to add, subtract, divide and multiply them. In addition, we will work with percentages. 


Science - Our topic this half term is evolution and inheritance. Children will learn about how animals adapt to their environment and their offspring.  


Topic - Our topic is celebrating Black History.

 We talked about what respect looks like and how we could spot it in our own behaviour as well as others. Here are our ideas.

 We read a story called "Two sides" about how friends can be very different to each other. We used this as a basis for creating our own stories. We told our own stories using a story mountain!



English: We will be focusing on identity and on autobiographies. 


Maths: We are looking at place value and calculation focusing on the four operations. 


Topic: Our focus is "All About Me" and we will be looking at childhoods and how they vary from country to country. There will be a heavy focus on Birmingham as local area. 


Science: We were looking at changes of state and focused on non-Newtonian fluids while creating cornflour slime. 




 In Year 6H during PSHE we thought about what wellbeing looked like. We discussed the different areas of wellbeing and the things we can do to improve our wellbeing. We wrote about how each area affected our mental wellbeing. Here is some of our wonderful descriptions


PSHE Overview 2021-2022