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Terrapins and Tortoises Learning Blog


What are Terrapins up to?



In English this half term we will reading The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Jack and the Beanstalk. We will be focusing on key words from the stories and developing our play around our favourite stories.


In Maths, we will be focusing on number rhymes and counting to five. We will be beginning to compare sizes and weights and exploring the language big, little, light and heavy.


Our Science topic is spring. We will be developing our seasonal understanding and changes to the natural world.


This half term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales’. We will be exploring the tales through sensory play.




In Terrapins, we will be using stories to provide a foundation for our learning. Children will be exploring stories such as Dear Zoo and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? We will be using sensory approaches to integrate this into the curriculum.


In Maths, we will be focusing on numbers 1-5, colours, 2D shapes, patterns and prepositions. Each day of the week will have a different Maths focus.  


In Science, we will be exploring a range of fun and exciting science experiments.


Our topic will be cross-curricular with English. We will be using stories and songs to learn about different animals.




Our wonderful learning from Autumn 2!



For our topic All About Me, we made are very own self portraits.


We have been working hard on our early writing skills.


We have been recognising and correctly forming our numbers.


We have enjoyed our threading activities to develop our hand—eye coordination.


We have enjoyed exploring all our different senses during sensory play.


For World Mental Health Day, we created some beautiful yellow hearts.




Terrapins Opened in the Summer Term.


This is what we have been doing...