Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 staff
PE is every Monday for 4E and 4F. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on this day.
PE Kit should contain:
- white t shirt
-black/navy shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings
-black pumps and/or trainers
Outdoor Learning
We try to give the children the option of outdoor learning every day, so please ensure they have appropriate clothing in school as the weather is often unpredictable!
We will visit the forest area every term. Please ensure your child has their wellies and a warm coat during the colder months and a sunhat during the warmer months.
Reading Books
Books will be changed every other week, please see Seesaw for their day. Please ensure your child has their books in school on this day every week. If you would like your child to change their book more often, please let us know. You can upload a comment about your child's reading at home on our home learning app, Seesaw.