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Year 3's Learning Blog

2024 - 2025

What are Year 3 up to?

Autumn 2024


In English, we will be looking writing a letter to our teacher to let them know all about us. We will look at a range of writing skills focusing on writing to inform and writing to entertain. We will use Disney's 'Lava Me!' and an animated film called 'The Catch.' 


In Maths, we will be looking at place value. We will use base 10 and place value counters to help us learn about ones, tens and hundreds. We will then move on to adding numbers together. We are also completing number sense daily to help us with our addition facts. 


Our Science topic is called 'Movement and Nutrition.' The food groups, what we eat and why we eat, and what animals eat and why. We will examine the human skeleton and look at identifying the key bones that make up our skeleton. We will also look at what a balanced diet is and why it is important. 


Our topic question for this half term has a Geography focus. The question is 'Why people live near volcanoes?' Children will learn that the Earth is constructed in layers and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. Children will also look at a range of mountains including Mount Etna. 


We enjoyed our first week in Year 3!


What are Year 3 up to?

Summer 1




In Maths, we will continue to learn about mass and capacity , focusing on g and kg. We will then look at volume in ml and L. We will then revisit fractions by adding and subtracting them. We will then look at money, converting pounds and pence and adding and subtracting money and finding change.


This term we will be learning about plant reproduction and we will be able to describe the life cycle of a flowering plant and carry out tests to investigate plant structure and function.


Our topic is, are all settlements the same? We will locate some cities in the UK, describe the difference between villages, towns and cities, describe the different types of land use and look at New Delhi and the similarities and differences between the land use here and in our local area.


Spring 2


In English, we read the story ‘Stone Age Boy’. We wrote a book review about it and learnt about subordinate clauses and pronouns to help us to write our own Stone Age story. We will then look at William Shakespeare and who he was. We will be using imperative verbs to create a persuasive poster to entice people to visit Stratford-Upon-Avon.


In Maths, we have been looking at mm, cm and m. We have been measuring and drawing lines and looking at converting measurements too. We then looked at perimeter. We moved onto fractions, knowing what a numerator and denominator is. We learnt about unit fractions, non-unit fractions and equivalent fractions.


In Science, we have been looking at light and dark. We have been looking at different materials to see if light can pass through, such as opaque, transparent and translucent. We have been investigating which materials create different shadows too.


In History we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and the similarities and differences between the different periods of time. We have learnt about Skara Brae and ‘The Amesbury Archer’. We have been looking at the different tools they made and the clothes they wore and how they got their food.


Spring 1


In English this half term, we are looking at The Great Kapok Tree which links to our geography topic. Our first polished write will be about writing a persuasive letter to persuade the loggers to stop chopping down trees in the Amazon rainforest. We will be learning about emotive language, expanded noun phrases and rhetorical questions to support us with our persuasive writing.


In maths this half term, we will be continuing our learning of multiplication and division. We will start the term by looking how to times and divide by 10 and 100. Throughout this maths topic, we will be using resources to support our learning such as place value counters, place value charts and base 10. We also encourage the children to work on their times tables via TTRS to prepare for the upcoming test in June.


In science this half term, we will be looking at circuits and conductors. We will look at different types of devices and sorting them into which ones need electricity and which ones don’t. Children will also be building different circuits practically and understanding the different names for the equipment.


In geography this term, our topic is rainforests! We will be learning about different biomes and which one the Amazon rainforest belongs to as well as finding out what the rainforest is like and who lives there. Please look at our topic grid for some project ideas!

Autumn 2


In English, we will be writing a narrative for a story with no words called 'The Catch'. We will looked at relative clauses and adverbs to help us write this. We will also be looking at a clip of 'Lava' focusing on the setting and characters. 


In Maths, we will continue to look at addition using the column method. We will also subtract using this method with numbers beyond 100. We will look at regrouping and exchanging. We will then start to look at multiplication. Our main focus will be on our 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s. It would be great if you could use Times Tables Rockstars at home. 


In Science, we will be looking at rocks and fossils. We will look at the different types of rocks and see if they are man-made or natural. We will also look at how fossils are formed. 


In Topic, we will look at our Earth. We will find out about the layers of the Earth, about volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunami's and earthquakes. We look forward to seeing your projects. 


We created a volcanic eruption in science.


We have been using water colours in art and used them to make our calendars.


In maths, we used base 10 to help us understand place value and complete addition problems.


We enjoyed visiting the 100 years of pineapple exhibition.


We created the nativity scene after learning about it in RE.


We enjoyed our Christmas dinner.


Autumn 1



In English, we will be looking writing a letter to our teacher to let them know all about us. We will look at a range of writing skills focusing on writing to inform and writing to entertain. We will use Disney's 'Lava Me!' and an animated film called 'The Catch.' 


In Maths, we will be looking at place value. We will use base 10 and place value counters to help us learn about ones, tens and hundreds. We will then move on to adding numbers together. We are also completing number sense daily to help us with our addition facts. 


Our Science topic is called 'Movement and Nutrition.' The food groups, what we eat and why we eat, and what animals eat and why. We will examine the human skeleton and look at identifying the key bones that make up our skeleton. We will also look at what a balanced diet is and why it is important. 


Our topic question for this half term has a Geography focus. The question is 'Why people live near volcanoes?' Children will learn that the Earth is constructed in layers and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. Children will also look at a range of mountains including Mount Etna. 


We enjoyed our first week in Year 3!


We enjoyed designing our input and output devices during ICT


we had a mummy wrapping contest!


We enjoyed the visit from the animal man


We learnt all about Venus during Science Week


We have been used base 10 to add in Maths







This half term, we will continue to look at fractions starting by adding and subtracting them. Following this, Year 3 will be doing a unit on ‘money’ learning how to convert pounds and pence and add different quantities. Don’t forget alongside this, we need to continue to practise our times tables. We will then be looking at digital and analogue clocks and learning how to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes.



During English, we will be looking at features of poetry such as similes, alliteration and rhyming words. We will then focus on planning our own poem to include all of these different features. As always, we will focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar throughout all of lessons.


During Science this term, we will be learning about mass and capacity through different investigations. We will be using fair testing, pattern seeking and research to ask relevant questions and make our own observations. Our use of maths will be very important this term, as we will be using measurements such as grams, kilograms, litres and millilitres. 


In Summer 2, we will be complete our French topic called “Les Couleurs”. We will then learn the story of Little Red Riding Hood in French. We will complete different activities linked to the story. Ask your child to name a character from “Petit Chaperon Rouge” in French!







This half term, we will be looking at fractions. We will begin by looking at unit and non-unit fractions working towards identifying equivalent fractions. Each morning, during basic skills, we will be reviewing all four operations including some worded problems. It is really important that we continue to practise our times tables (2s,3s,4s,5s,8s,10s) this can be supported by TTRS!



During English, we will be learning a familiar story that we will then act out. Following this, we will focus on character and setting descriptions building up to our own narrative. Within the lessons, we will continue to practise a range of punctuation, handwriting and general SPaG skills aiming to make our narratives interesting and clear for the reader.



During Science, we will be studying Forces and Magnets. Within this unit, we will begin by exploring what forces are, looking at magnetic forces and different uses for magnets.


In Summer 1, we will be continuing our French topic called “Les Couleurs”. The children have been working hard throughout last term to learn the colours of the rainbow. This half term, we are going to be adding in learning about numbers. Ask your child to count to ten in French!







This half term, we will begin with division, looking at dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Following this, we will move on to a new unit (Length and Perimeter), here we will be looking at different units of measure including millimetres, centimetres and metres. Later in the term, we will be calculating the perimeter of different shapes. Each morning, we will be continuing to practise our timetables.



During English, we will be using our fantastic topic “Anglo-Saxons” as inspiration to write a newspaper report. We will also be focusing on SPAG (spelling punctuation and grammar) and will be learning about contractions and possessive apostrophes. In guided reading, we will be covering a range of texts including the poem “The Spider and the Fly” by Mary Howitt.


During Science, we will be studying light and shadows. First, we will learn that our sight relies on light, then performing a range of investigations and experiments to explore this idea.


In Spring 2, we will be continuing our French topic called “Les animaux”. We have been working hard to learn different animal names and this term we will be focusing on spellings. We will also begin our new topic “Les Couleurs” where we will learn all the colours of the rainbow! Ask your child to name a colour in French!






This half term, we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be using our times tables, groups and arrays to help us write and solve calculations. We have also begun learning our three times tables (practicing at home will help lots!). During morning Maths, we will keep practicing our key skills, for example, addition and subtraction.



During English, we will be continuing to look at word classes such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. Our aim is to start independently including these in our writing. This term we will have a go at some new writing styles including character descriptions and letter writing.



In Science this half term, we will be learning about Rocks, Fossils and Soil. We will learn whether rocks are naturally formed or man-made, the three types of rocks and their names and how rocks are formed. We will be using our classification and identification skills, as well as asking lots of questions and researching the answers.


In 2023 we are starting our new topic called “Les animaux”. We will learn the names of ten different animals in French. We will try to learn the spellings of these animals and will try reading these words too. Ask your child to name an animal in French!







This half term, we will be continuing to look at adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers. Later in the term, we will be moving on to multiplying and dividing. We will start with a focus on our 2s, 5s, 10s and 3 times tables. During the morning session, children will continue to practise their basic skills and Number Sense.



During English, we will be continuing to look at word classes such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. Our aim is to start independently including these in our writing. This term we will have a go at some new writing styles including diary entries and instructions.



This term in Science, we will be studying ‘Health and Movement’. Throughout this topic we will look at nutrition, healthy diets and the different nutritional needs of humans compared to other animals.


We are continuing with our unit “J'apprends le francais” which means “I’m learning French”. We have learnt how to greet another person and are moving on to now count to ten. We will also be learning the names of some colours in French. Please ask your child what their favourite colour is in French!


In music, we have been learning how to play the chime bars.


We watched an exciting show all about hunting beasts!


This term, we have been concentrating on collage in art.



Year 3 were very excited to have a visit from the animal man.


Year 3 were very excited to have a visit from the animal man.





We will begin English in Year 3 by writing an autobiography. Following this, we will be re visiting word classes and building sentences. Later in the term, we will be using a short animated film called, ‘Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to create several writing tasks including a Wanted posted and a letter.


Maths: This term, we will focus on place value introducing three digit numbers. We will compare, order and partition numbers. Later on, we will be moving on to using these skills to work on addition and subtraction. Each morning, we will be completing maths basic skills including our number bonds to 10,20 and 100 and a reminder of our 2,5 and 10 times tables.



We are very excited this term to be studying the ‘Rainforest’ – during our topic we will focus on many geographical skills. Areas that will be touched upon include the location and climate of some rainforests, the different layers of the rainforest and important issues such as the dangers of deforestation.



During Science this term our topic is Plants. We will be figuring out what job each part of the plant does and what plants require to live and grow. We will be setting up practical investigations, making observations and looking at patterns.


Our MFL unit this half term is called “J'apprends le francais” which means “I’m learning French”. We will be learning how to greet another person and say our own names. We’ll be learning to count to ten as well as naming some common colours in French.





Next half term, we will be looking at fractions. We will begin by looking at halves, quarters and thirds. We will eventually move on to finding tenths. Also this term, the children will look at ‘time’ and ‘capacity’. Throughout the half term we will be having a push on the 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables in preparation for year 4.



During English, we will be using lots of different writing styles all around our topic ‘Deserts’. First, we will focus on a non-chronological report. After this, we will be enjoying some storytelling and poetry! We will be encouraging the children to independently focus on their handwriting and key punctuation.



During Science this term our topic is based around famous scientists and their discoveries. We will begin by testing how mass effects gravity. We will be using fair testing, pattern seeking and research to ask relevant questions and make our own observations.




Next half term, we will begin by looking at length and perimeter. The children will recap measuring and comparing lengths in mm, cm and m. Following this, we will be moving on to fractions. Each morning, during basic skills, we will be reviewing all four operations including some worded problems. It is really important that we continue to practise our 3 and 4 times tables. We will begin looking at our 8s.



During English, we will begin by looking at the features of a newspaper report. Our report will focus on the findings at Sutton Hoo. Our lessons will continue to look at a range of word classes and sentence types. Later in the term we will be looking at the story of Beowulf.



During Science this term our topic is Plants. We will be figuring out what job each part of the plant does and what plants require to live and grow. We will be setting up practical investigations, making observations and looking at patterns.





Next half term, we will recap how to count different amounts of money using pounds and pence. As well as this, we will be giving change using our subtraction skills. We will learn how to convert amounts of money. Year 3 will also continue to practise the 3 and 4 times tables and begin to look at the 8s.



During English, we will be focusing on our topic: Ancient Greeks. This will be mainly concentrated on various myths and the Olympians. We will be using non-chronological reports and letter writing.



During Science, we will be studying light and shadows. First, we will learn that our sight relies on light, then performing a range of investigations and experiments to explore this idea.





This half term, we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be using our times tables, groups and arrays to help us write and solve calculations. We have also begun learning our three times tables (practicing at home will help lots!). During morning Maths, we will keep practicing our key skills, for example, addition and subtraction.




In English, we have begun by covering some grammar skills including past/present tense and adverbs. We will be completing our first polish based on our new topic of Volcanoes by researching and designing a fact file poster. We will continue to practice Year 3 spelling words and handwriting at the beginning each lesson and aim to use these in our writing.




In Science this half term, we will be learning about Rocks, Fossils and Soil. We will learn whether rocks are naturally formed or man-made, the three types of rocks and their names and how rocks are formed. We will be using our classification and identification skills, as well as asking lots of questions and researching the answers.




Next half term, we will be continuing to look at adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers. Later in the term, we will be moving on to multiplying and dividing. We will start with a focus on our 2s, 5s, 10s and 3 times tables. During the morning session, children will continue to practise their basic skills and Number Sense.



During English, we will be continuing to look at word classes such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. Our aim is to start independently including these in our writing. This term we will have a go at some new writing styles including book reviews and persuasive adverts.



During Science, we will be studying Forces and Magnets. The aim is to understand more about the world around us. Some of the forces we will focus on include: friction, magnetism, pushing and pulling. We will complete several investigations and experiments to discover how these forces work and affect our daily life.

We made a list of different ways we can be respectful to ourselves and talked about why this is really important.

We thought about what friendship means to us. These are someone's amazing ideas!

Taking part in story telling with Miss. Bradley. 

Taking part in Music and Dance with Mr. Jones


In Science, we looked at the similarities and differences between human and animal skeletons.

During life skills, we learnt the steps to safely make a cup of tea. 

In 3C, we thought about things that might make us happy if we are feeling sad. Here is our super list. Using this list, we worked hard to create a poster to share these ideas with others


We have been looking at hundreds, tens and ones in maths. 

Look at this beautifully painted pebble. 3O carefully designed and then painted a pebble to go into our mental health rock garden. What great work!




English: We started English in Year 3 by writing an autobiography for our topic, ‘All About Me’. Following this, we moved on to study a short animated film called, ‘Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors’ and have completed several writing tasks based on this, including a Wanted posted and a letter.


Maths: This term, we have focussed on place value introducing three digit numbers. We have compared, ordered and partitioned numbers. We are moving on to using these skills to work on addition and subtraction. Each morning we have been using the ‘Number Sense’ programme to improve our quick recall of number facts.


Science: To link with our ‘All About Me’ topic, we have been studying ‘Health and Movement’. Throughout this topic we have looked at nutrition, healthy diets and the different nutritional needs of humans compared to other animals.

PSHE Overview 2021-22