Religious Education Projects and Assemblies
Here are some of the RE studies and charitable projects run at Allens Croft over the last year.
Easter Puppet Show
Pastor Claire from Kings Heath Calvary Chapel came to perform an Easter puppet show On Friday 7th April. We enjoyed dressing up and taking part in the assembly, but we also learnt about the Christian meaning of Easter.
Shrove Tuesday
On Pancake day, Pastor Claire from Calvary Chapel visited to tell us a little bit about pancake day and the preparations Christians make in the 40 days before Easter. We had fun tossing pancakes and thought about the acts of kindness we could all share during this time.
Some of our pictures can be seen below.
Year 2 Birmingham City Mission Campaign
In year 2 we are being regardful of suffering and raising money to Support this Christian Charity who help and support people and families in need around Birmingham. We are selling Christmas cards for 60p in Year 2 and the main office; and are running a TOY-LINK project to donate brand new toys to children who would otherwise go without at christmas. Please support us in our last week!
Riverside Easter Assembly
On 29th March, Riverside Theatre Company visited to perform the Easter story. We watched as a whole school and it taught us a lot about the Christian meaning of Easter.
Year 2 Visit to Hazelwell Church
On Tuesday 7th March, Year 2 visited Hazelwell Church to witness a Christian wedding ceremony between two teddy bears. Children learned about the promises Christians make before God and we sang some of the songs we know from school to take part in the special occasion!
A massive thank you to everyone who donated. Allens Croft raised £57.00 for the charity and provided over 15 gifts for children across the city!
Reception and Year 1 Nativity
(coming soon)
Reception's Nativity visit to Hazelwell Church
(coming soon)
Reception Celebrations
Reception have been looking at different celebrations and sharing each other's experiences.
Christmas Carol Service
On Friday 16th December we visited Kings Heath Calvary Church to perform our annual carol service. The songs really put us in the Christmas spirit and we enjoyed learning about Christmas symbols and their religious meanings. We heard bible readings by year 6 and the school choir were fantastic; we all heard some new songs! Other children produced winter descriptions and poems. What a magical way to feel community spirit with church members, parents, carers and the staff and pupils of our school.
Year 3 Diwali Celebrations
Year 3 put on a fabulous performance last half term, sharing all they had learned about Diwali, festival of light. Some pictures of the assembly can be viewed below.
Water Aid
Last term, some children from year 4, 5 and 6 worked hard learning about countries in Africa that have disadvantaged water supplies. As a result, they paired up with toilet twinning and made enough money in school to fund a toilet in Malawi, Africa.
Year 1 Being Thankful
Year 1 have been looking at being thankful and have shared some of the things they are thankful for.