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Allens Croft Primary School and Resource Base home page

Allens Croft Primary School and Resource Base

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What kinds of different SEND does the school provide for?

Allens Croft supports the needs of all pupils including those with SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities).


Such needs include:


  •   Cognition and learning
  •   Communication and Interaction
  •   Social emotional and mental health difficulties
  •   Sensory and/or physical needs


The areas of need listed above are as stated within the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 which can be found by using the following link:


Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 


We know that some pupils will have difficulties in more than one of these areas and we will always do our best to meet their needs.


All children in school have support through differentiation and quality first teaching strategies. This means that activities are planned according to the level the child or young person is working at. This can include a variety of adaptations including, changes to physical environment, use of resources, changes to teaching styles as well as level of adult support. 


Allens Croft Primary School has three Resources Bases – Terrapins, Tortoises and Turtles.


Admittance to the Resource Base is co-ordinated by SENAR (Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review) Team at Birmingham City Council. Pupils must have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) that names an Allens Croft Resource Base and have their primary area of need listed as Cognition and Learning.


A place in our mainstream school does not guarantee a place in the Resource Bases. Places are allocated by SENAR and not Allens Croft Primary School.