Turtles Learning Blog
2024 - 2025
What are Turtles up to?
English- To start this year we will be writing a letter to our teacher and talking about our likes and dislikes. After that, we will be focusing on the book, The Tiger Who Came to Tea to write a short narrative. Focusing on using capital letters and full stops in our own writing. We will then move on to using the short film “A Cloudy Lesson” as a stimulus to write a set of instructions on how to make a cloud blower. We will be focusing on imperative verbs and time conjunctions. We will end the half term using the short film “Something Fishy” to write another short narrative with a focus on using the word ‘and’ to join clauses together and using adjectives in our writing.
Maths- We will all be focusing on place value this half term. Some children will be focusing on numbers within 10, others within 50 and some of us will be looking at numbers within 1000. We will be deepening our understanding of the value of numbers, how to partition numbers and supporting our learning with practical resources such as base 10, number lines and tens frames.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘Our School’ and we get to become geographers looking at our local area. We will be working on creating simple maps, understanding the features of maps as well as looking at where we are in our local area and the features around us.
Science- In Science this half term we will be looking at the topic “My Body” where we will get to learn all about parts of the human body and their functions, as well as the five senses.
This year for Black History Month, we learned all about a famous TV chef called Lorraine Pascale. Last week, we made one of her recipes and baked a tiger cake.
We have done lots of exploring in our Forest School area this half term.
In Geography, we have been learning all about Our School. During this lesson, we created a messy map of our classroom.
In Art this half term, we have been using our observational skills.
For World Space Week, we learned all about Saturn and were inspired to create some art.
In Music, we revised all the things we know about playing the chime bars, we practised copying rhythms and changing notes and reading the "slug" and "spider" notation. We are going to start making up more of our own music this year, too.
English- To start this half term we will be looking at the story Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love to inspire our writing. We will be focusing our work on using verbs to write commands, building on our prediction and inference skills before moving on to writing a poem based on the idea of movement.
Maths- We are continuing to build our Maths skills this half term. Some of us will be continuing to working on length and perimeter, before moving on to fractions. Some of us will be continuing to work on place value within 50 before moving on to length and height and some of us will be working on addition and subtraction within 10.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘The Railways’ We will become historians and learn all about the development of the Railways in Great Britain with the opportunity to find out about the history of the railways and significant early locomotives. As part of our topic, we will also be going on a trip to Think Tank in town to see their railway exhibition.
Science- In Science this half term we will be continuing the topic “Super Scientists” where we will have the opportunity to learn about scientists and their discoveries while developing our 'working scientifically' skills. We will extend our knowledge through a variety of fun, practical and informative activities, including investigating gravity, light, sound, medical science including reflexes and germs, as well as how to make a simple circuit.
In Summer 2, we will begin work on our topic all about vegetables. We will learn the names of lots of different foods and we will be focusing on spellings and correct pronunciation. Ask your child what their favourite vegetable is in French!
English- We will be using the short film “The Book of Butterflies” as a stimulus to help us write a short descriptive narrative about the man and the butterflies. We will then be moving on to writing a “What am I?” poem using the short film “Once in a lifetime.” We will be writing our poems based on different animals and using “show, don’t tell” so the reader can guess what we are.
Maths- We are continuing to build our Maths skills this half term. Some of us will be continuing to working on our multiplication and division skills, with a focus on multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers. Some of us will be working on place value within 50 and some of us will be working on addition and subtraction within 10.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘Land Use.’ We will become cartographers and learn how to draw sketch maps of the local area. We will be going on a short walk around the school so we can draw an accurate map of the area around our school.
Science- In Science this half term we will be continuing our learning about growing plants and growing some of our own. We will then move on to the topic “Super Scientists” where we will have the opportunity to learn about scientists and their discoveries while developing our 'working scientifically' skills. We will extend our knowledge through a variety of fun, practical and informative activities, including investigating gravity, light, sound, medical science including reflexes and germs, as well as how to make a simple circuit.
In Summer 1, we will be completing our unit on naming different fruits. We will have learned the names of ten common fruits and will be able to recall these independently. We will then move on to looking at vegetables. Ask your child to name a fruit or vegetable in French!
English- We will be using the book ‘Georges Marvellous Medicine’ as a stimulus to help us write a diary entry and a poem. We will be looking at adjectives, expanded-noun phrases, rhyming words and the features of a diary entry.
Maths- We are continuing to build our Maths skills this half term. Some of us will be continuing to working on our multiplication skills, with a focus on multiplying 2 digit numbers. Some of us will be working on place value within 50 and some of us will be working on addition and subtraction within 10.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘Anglo-Saxons and Scots.’ We will be learning about lotd of different things during this part of history such as: the invasion, what life was like in Anglo-Saxon Britain and Anglo Saxon Gods.
Science- In Science this half term we will be learning about growing plants. We will learn about what plants need to grow, carry out an experiment to observe how a plant germinates and observe and describe how a plant changes as it matures.
In Spring 2, we will be starting a new French topic called “Les Fruits”. We’ll be learning the names of lots of different fruits and trying hard to learn the spellings for these words too. As a challenge, we will try reading the words and pronouncing the words correctly. Ask your child to name a fruit in French!
English- We will be using the animated short ‘Little Boat’ as a stimulus to help us write a short recount of the story. We will also be using the story ‘Supertato’ as a stimulus to help us write a letter to Supertato about the Evil Pea.
Maths- We are continuing to build our Maths skills this half term. Some of us will be working on our multiplication skills, with a focus on the 4 and 8 times table. Some of us will be working on our addition and subtraction within 20 and using a number line and some of us will be working on place value within 10.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘Extreme Earth’ We will be learning about different types of extreme weather and how to keep safe if they ever happen.
Science- In Science this half term we will be exploring every day materials. We will learn about what materials are man-made and which are natural, how different materials are made, such as paper and what different materials can be used for.
Our MFL unit this half term is called “Je Peux” which means “I can”. We will be learning the names of ten common verbs which we might enjoy doing – such as dance and eat. By the end of the unit, we’ll be able to use our French verbs in complete sentences! Ask your child what “drink” is in French!
In English this half term we have look at lots of different text types. We have written: a diary entry from the point of view of Floella Benjamin on her way to England, instructions on how to make a mummy and a wanted poster for the Highway Rat.
In Maths, we have been working on different skills for addition and subtraction. The children enjoyed lots of practical and written opportunities to show off their skills.
Our topic this half term was the Ancient Egyptians. We enjoyed learning all about
making a mummy, Egyptian gods, the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and hieroglyphs.
In Science this half term, we looked at lots of different habitats and the animals that live in them.
In Design Technology, we tasted lots of different bread, cheese and toppings to design the perfect pizza. Later in the half term, we will make our own.
Our MFL unit this half term is called “Je Peux” which means “I can”. We will be learning the names of ten common verbs which we might enjoy doing – such as dance and eat. By the end of the unit, we’ll be able to use our French verbs in complete sentences!
English- We will be using the story ‘Colour Me Happy, Colour Me Sad’ as a stimulus to help us write about our feelings and what helps us to feel calm. We will also be using the short film ‘For the Birds’ to help us build our skills and write a formal letter to the little birds.
Maths- We are looking at place value. We will be building on the skills we already have and working on counting, comparing and writing numbers.
Topic- Our topic this half term is ‘Rainforests.’ We will be learning about where rainforests are, the typical climate and the different layers of the rainforest.
Science- In Science this half term we will be looking at the growth and survival of animals, including humans. We will learn about animals and their offspring, how humans grown and change as they get older and explore the environment as a factor in the survival of animals, including humans.
Our MFL unit this half term is called “J'apprends le francais” which means “I’m learning French”. We will be learning how to greet another person and say our own names. We’ll be learning to count to ten as well as naming some common colours in French.
2021 - 2022
In English, we made a fact file about the Queen. We learnt facts about the Great Fire of London and followed instructions to made bread rolls. We also wrote a diary entry as if we were Thomas Farriner in the bakery using our senses.
In Maths, we are learning addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. Some children will be learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will also look at learning the value of money and adding money.
In Science, we will look at plants. We will learn about different parts of plants, different types of plants and the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.
In English, we are going to be looking at the story Charlie and the Chocolate factory by Roald Dahl. We will write character descriptions for each of the Gold Ticket winner. We are going to visit Cadbury World and write a recount of our trip.
In Maths, we will be adding and subtracting. We will use lots of resources to help us such as Numicon, base 10 and counters. We will also look at 2D and 3D shapes, we will try to name the shapes and learn the properties of each shape.
In Science, we are going to look at season changes and look at how our outdoor area has changed in the Autumn and Winter months.
In Topic, we will be looking at why, Rosa Parks, Mary Seacole and Martin Luther King Jr, are important people.
We thought of some great adjectives to say how each changed when added to water.
We mixed different things into water to see how they changed and how they felt. Our favourite was cornflour! We used lots of adjectives to describe how it felt on our hands.
In Science, we used bubble bath, washing up liquid, hand wash and washing powder to see which one made the most bubbles.
In English, we have been looking at George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We made our own medicine and acted out drinking them. We wrote a character description for Grandma and George using adjectives. We then read some of Roald Dahl's revolting recipes, we had great fun making and eating the Nishnobblers!
In Maths, we have been focusing on number and place value. Some of the children have been learning numbers to 10 and some to 20. Others have counting forwards, backwards and saying more and less than, and also using base ten to look at tens and ones in a number.
In Science, we have been working Scientifically. We have taste tested, using the senses on our tongues. We had a listening quiz to see what sounds we could hear. We mixed things in water to see how they changed and how they felt and we made lots of jelly and predicted which would taste the best!