Tortoises Staff

Welcome to our class
In Tortoises, we provide a calm and stimulating environment for our children to learn and explore in.
We follow a thematic curriculum in Tortoises. We use stories to provide a foundation for our learning. We use sensory approaches to integrate this into our curriculum. Our learning is differentiated and adapted to meet the needs of your child and their individual targets.
P.E will take place on Monday Your children are welcome to come into school in their P.E kit on this day only.
Outdoor Learning
Children have the option of outdoor learning everyday. However, we will be taking children to our forest school on Thursday. Please ensure your child has wellies and a warm coat to wear during colder months and a sunhat during warmer months.
Phonic lessons are taught daily. A new sound is taught every day. Children also have the opportunity to access phonic learning through sensory play such as, water play, sand, mark making, playdough and more.