How do the school provide resources to help support children who have social and/or communication needs?
Our Individual Inclusion Plans and Individual Target Plans (ITPs) identify the types of need a child may have. For example, Autism, behaviour needs, cognition and learning.
Our staff are TeamTeach trained, so that we understand how to safely diffuse/ deescalate a situation.
We use visual timetables in all classrooms, so that children are aware of the daily structure. This supports children who have difficulty with changes in routine.
We work with the Communication and Autism Team. Members of the team visit to observe, assess and offer advice on ways to support children with autism.
We can provide individual workstations for a pupil whose needs require them.
We have a range of staff who have completed some Makaton training, to support pupils who have communication, interaction and language difficulties.
We work with a range of professional agencies to seek advice and strategies for supporting pupils with a variety of needs; advice and strategies are then disseminated across teams and the school, as required.