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Allens Croft Primary School and Resource Base

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How do the school get more specialist help for pupils if they need it?

In our school if we feel a pupil needs more specialist help we can work with the following people to get this:



Who they work with 

What they offer

City of Birmingham Schools (COBS) – Previously: Behaviour Support Service (BSS)

Named Contact: Sarah Martin

Children or young people with emotional, social or mental health difficulties that impacts on their behaviour in school 

School have an allocated worker who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form. They support with behavioural strategies within the school environment to enable the young person to fulfil their potential.

Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

Named Contact: Wendy Bantock

Children or young people who are being assessed for or already have a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties.

They will also provide support for families of children or young people with these difficulties. 

Our named professional works with schools and families so that they are informed, supported and equipped to enable children and young people on the autism spectrum to have opportunities to fulfill their potential and engage in society as active citizens.

Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

Named Contact: Alex Rouse

Children or young people with complex needs.

An Educational Psychologist will always be involved with a child or young person who is referred for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The EP’s role, negotiated with the school SENCo, is to improve outcomes for children with a range of additional needs, from social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, to Autism and learning difficulties.

They observe and assess individual children, provide parenting advice, contribute to multiagency/professionals meetings and provide training for Teachers and Teaching Assistants.
The school’s allocated Educational Psychologist is commissioned by Birmingham City Council to carry out statutory work in order to identify, assess and monitor children, young people and young adults with special educational needs. In simple terms they work with school staff, other professionals and parents to assess a child’s need and decide if they meet the criteria for, or would benefit from an Education Health Care Plan. 

Physical Disability Support Service (PDSS)

Named Contact: Karen Gillman

Children or young person with physical difficulties which impact on their access in the school setting. 

School have an allocated worker who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form. They will advise on environment and suitable provisions within the school setting.

Pupil and School Support (PSS)

Named Contact: Helen Ball

Children or young people who are working below the levels expected for their age. 

A Pupil and School Support Teacher will also work with staff in schools offering support, advice and training

Our Pupil and School Support Teacher may carry out observations and assessments of pupils in order to advise teachers on the best approach to take when supporting them within the class and during intervention. PSS also provide training and advice to school staff around the promotion of inclusive practice for SEND pupils and help the SENDCo to fulfil their strategic role in leading whole school improvement in relation to SEND.

Sensory Support Service (SSS) 

Children or young people who have particular sensory needs such as visual or hearing difficulties where access to the usual school environment is effective. 

Pupils are usually referred following a medical diagnosis, however school can phone them for further support and general advice

Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)

Children or young people with a high level speech and language difficulties

School can fill in a form which parents or carers sign.  The family doctor can also complete this form.

In school Speech and Language Support

Named Contact: Lynn Dallaway

Children or young people with a high level speech and language difficulties

School are working with a Speech and Language Therapist who will work in school one day a week. If children are identified as requiring this support, parents will be asked to provide their consent. 

Child Psychotherapist 

Named Contact: Ms Maria Powell

Children or young people with emotional difficulties

Child psychotherapists work with some of our most vulnerable children. Our child psychotherapist will seek to bring about symptom relief by helping the child or young person to make sense of their experiences and feelings. It is hoped that by being understood and developing a thoughtful relationship with their therapist, they will find new and healthier ways of managing their difficulties.

School work with our Psychotherapist one day a week.

School Nurse

Children or young people with medical needs. Hearing, sight, weight and height checks will be completed by school nurses at various points

School has an allocated school nurse who will work with us as required throughout the year. Written consent will be required for some of the services.