Pastoral Curriculum
What are we aiming for?
At Allens Croft Primary School, we aim to teach our Pastoral curriculum through everything that we do. We aim to teach our children how to grow into respectful, wonderful members of the community. We base our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (P.S.H.E.) education learning on the KAPOW scheme, alongside the Relationships and Health Education (R.S.E) programme. We want pupils to grow up happy, healthy, kind, safe and able to face the challenges of living in modern Britain. We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools and we were awarded Bronze.
Through the KAPOW scheme of work personalised to the children’s needs and our school’s ethos, we aim to build awareness of, and encourage pupils to become:
- Children to explore current issues and themes.
- Develop social skills and knowledge to identify risks.
- Make safe decisions.
- Understand themselves and others around them.
- To become resilient individuals.
As a school, we aim to provide a caring environment which encourages questioning in order to please children’s curiosity and enable them to be happy, healthy and safe. Our curriculum considers the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of our children and also promotes the four fundamental British Values which reflect life in modern Britain: democracy; rule of law; respect and tolerance and individual liberty. We are also a School of Sanctuary and an Educate and Celebrate school.
Through use of the KAPOW, pupils are supported in reaching the end of key stage attainment targets in the National Curriculum.
How do we achieve this?
Our curriculum is delivered through carefully planned units from KAPOW’s Curriculum, bespoke to our children’s needs and interests.
To meet the aims of the National Curriculum for P.S.H.E/R.S. E and in response to the Ofsted Research review into this subject, we have identified the following key strands:
Kapow Primary’s P.S.H.E and R.S.E scheme has a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these six strands across each year group. Our ‘P.S.H.E curriculum overview document’ shows the skills taught within each year group and how these develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
The Kapow Primary scheme that we follow here at Allens Croft Primary School is a spiral curriculum, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Cross-curricular links are included throughout each unit, allowing children to make connections and apply their P.S.H.E skills to other areas of learning, such as online safety.
Our enquiry questions form the basis for our units, meaning that pupils gain a solid understanding of personal, social, health and economic education and skills by applying them to answer enquiry questions.
We have designed these questions to be open-ended with no preconceived answers and therefore they are genuinely purposeful and engage pupils in generating a real change. In attempting to answer them, children learn how to think more deeply and contextually about what it means to them.
Lessons incorporate various teaching strategies from independent tasks to paired and group work, including practical hands-on, computer-based and collaborative tasks. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that all pupils can access learning, and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary.
What does success look like?
The expected impact of following KAPOW is that children will:
* be able to self-regulate.
*.be resilience learners.
*be accepting and understanding of others
P.S.H.E in the Early Years
In EYFS, PSHE (PSED) is taught through the specific area of learning and development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This is delivered through exploration and child-initiated play.
Curriculum Overview EYFS/KS1
Curriculum Overview KS2
Please note: This overview outlines the approximate order of topics covered and is subject to change throughout the school year, especially as teachers assess classes and pupils.
Progression of Knowledge and Skills
The P.S.H.E Progression of skills and knowledge gives an overview of the skills and knowledge covered in each phase and strand and how these skills are developed in order to enable pupils to reach the end of key stage outcomes outlined in the National curriculum. Within each key stage, knowledge is often introduced at the start of the key stage so that there is time for that knowledge to be revisited and applied in later years which is why knowledge accumulation may look heavier in some year groups than others.
The curriculum includes two Year 6 lessons which parents/carers have the opportunity to withdraw their children from: Safety and the changing body: Lesson 5: Conception and Lesson 6: Pregnancy and birth. Parents/Carers of children in Y6 will be notified in advance of when these lessons will take place and given the opportunity to withdraw their child from these lessons should they wish to.
Alongside our Pastoral Curriculum, the children at Allens Croft Primary School are encouraged to take an active role in shaping our school. As a Rights Respecting school, we enjoy lessons about children’s rights. Our School of Sanctuary award was given to us due to our outstanding work learning about refugees and how to provide a safe place for all. Our Sensory Gardens provides a wonderful place for our children to practice wellbeing and meditation activities. The children from the Eco-Council and Turtles have worked hard to create this amazing space for us all.